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Mar 07

Training – Unique Notes

Training – Group your PC data in one place with Unique Notes

Unique notes_2014

We are pleased to announce you that the IEEE ENIS SB and the Multimedia Activity Club @ENIS co-organize a training about “Unique Notes” entitled “Group your PC data in one place with Unique Notes“.

Date: Wednesday 5 & 12 of March  2014
Time: from 13:00 to 17:00
Place: Amphi 4
Registration fees: FREE for IEEE members.To download the required software please visit: <link>
Unique Notes is winner of the IEEE Student Enterprise Award 2013 and ranked as the 3rd best national scientific project. It gathers more than 40 different features that allow you to access your local computer data in a new different intuitive way that will save you a lot of time.
For an overview of the software you can watch this <video>

Feel free to invite your colleagues!

Mar 07

ENIS SB Success Stories – IEEEXtreme


We are pleased to invite you to celebrate the “ENIS SB Success Stories in IEEEXtreme” which will take place on Thursday, March 06, 2014 from 13:00 to 14:00 in Amphi 6 @ENIS.

In the program:
- Presentation of the IEEEXteme competition;
- Experience of last year participants;
- Distribution of IEEEXtreme T-shirts.
Feel free to invite your colleagues!

Feb 11

IEEE ENIS SB Technical Day

technicalDayIt is a great pleasure to invite you to participate to the “IEEE ENIS SB Technical Day” which will be held on Wednesday, 12 February 2014, from 14:00 to 17:00 in “Amphi 6″ @ENIS.


The program is as follow:
- Introduction to “Unique Notes”: software winner of the IEEE Entreprise Award;
- Presentation of the winner robot in biped walking race track organized in RoboComp’2013;
- Google Map Maker party.

Feel free to invite your colleagues!