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Computer Society (CS)

With nearly 85,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society is the world’s leading organization of computing professionals. Founded in 1946, and the largest of IEEE’s 38 societies, the Computer Society is dedicated to advancing the theory and application of computing and information technology.

The Computer Society serves the information and career-development needs of today’s computing researchers and professionals with books, conferences, conference publications, magazines, online courses, software development certifications, standards, and technical journals.

The redesigned offers a rich repository of online content and tools, from Computing Now, which provides free articles and multimedia content, to the Build Your Career career-development site, and the e-Learning Campus, where members can access more than 3,000 online courses and 600 online books.

The Computer Student Branch Chapter was established in  ENIS on January 27, 2010.

The student chapter offer the opportunity for Computer Society student members in ENIS to network with colleagues, develop activities for professional development, and share expertise through technical exchange.

If you are interested to join us, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to [email protected]
Fore more details:

- IEEE Computer Society:

- CS Student activities:

- CS Tunisia Chapter:

Chapter Advisor:


[email protected]


Executive Committee (2015):


           Nouha DZIRI


[email protected]