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Jan 26

2nd ME-SBC 2011, Qatar

The TAMUQ IEEE Student Branch aims to attract and bring in more than 120 delegates and participants from more than 12 countries. The aim is to initiate and provide opportunities for authentic learning, career enhancement and exhibition opportunities in the engineering sciences, research and other areas of technology. Read the rest of this entry »

Jan 25

2010 IEEE Outstanding SMC Student Branch Chapter Award

It is with a great pleasure to announce that the IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society (SMCS), ENIS Student Chapter <link> is the winner of the 2010 IEEE SMCS Student Chapter Award <link> for providing exceptional leadership and service to members through seminars, workshops, and conference organization resulting in exceptional membership growth, received during SMC 2010, Turkey, October 2010. <photo>.


Jan 24

2010 IEEE R8 Exemplary Student Branch Award

It is with a great pleasure to announce that the IEEE ENIS Student Branch is the winner of the IEEE R8 Exemplary Student Branch Award, for outstanding performance as an IEEE Student Branch during the 2009-2010 academic year, received during SBC 2010, Belgium, August 2010. <photo>