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IEEE PES Student Chapter – Call for Candidacy 2014

Dear IEEE Power & Energy Society Student Members in the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS),

It is time to form the 2014-2015 Executive Committee! If you wish to be considered for nomination for one of positions as Volunteer (Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary, Treasurer), please fill in the following candidacy form (you will receive automatically an email confirmation).


  • All applications are due by 30 September 2014. An electronic election process will be organized from 1 to 15 October 2014, if we receive more than one application per position.
  • Candidates must have a 2014 active IEEE & SMCS memberships by  September 30, 2014.
  • For more information about the constitution of the student branch, read the following document <link>.
  • For more information about past activities related to the IEEE ENIS Stuent branch, visit our website <link> and our Facebook page <link>.
  • If you require further information or you have some suggestions and comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email to <[email protected]>.


Candidacy Form:

First Name *

Family Name *

Email *

Organisation *

Phone Number *

IEEE Member Number *

IEEE Active member for 2014? *
 Yes No

Your Candidacy is for: *
IEEE PES Student Chapter ExCom:
 Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer

IEEE grade description *
 Graduate Student Member Undergraduate Student Member

Biography *

Motivation for Candidacy, Explain why you are interested in the proposed role(s) with the organisation*

Upload CV (pdf file) *

Upload Photo (jpg file) *

Enter the following code:

* Required fields.