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Council on Electronic Design Auomation (CEDA)

The council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) is an organizational unit (OU) of IEEE that has six membersocieties, namely: Antennas and Propagation, Circuits and Systems, Computer, Electron Devices, Microwave theory and techniques, and Solid-State Circuits Societies.

The objectives of IEEE/CEDA include fostering design automation of electronic circuits and systems at all levels, by means of publications, conferences/workshops and volunteer activities.

CEDA is a service to advancement of the council including contributions in the following areas:
* Conferences and meetings,
* Publications,
* Editors,
* Administrative committee,
* Council leadership, or other distinguished service and activities.

Factors that will be considered for the award selection are:
*Impact of service and contributions to the council,
* leadership,
* innovation,
* activity,
* duration,
* breadth of participation and cooperation.

From the activities CEDA sponsors conference and publications on EDA topics, encourages academic research in EDA, and provides tools to member societies.
It also schedules distinguished speaker series, archiving these presentations on the web. CEDA publishes newsletters and updates on activities in design automation.

Council on Electronic Design Auomation (CEDA)



Chapter Advisor:

Mourad Fakhfakh

[email protected]


Executive Committee (2013):

ChairMouna Kotti
[email protected]