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Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society (AESS)

The IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society(AESS) offers to its members the extraordinary opportunity to become deeply connected with the three pillars of the Aerospace, Electronic and Defence sector: Industry, Institutions and Research Centers.

The effective interaction between those pillars is the key element for the organization, design, development and operation of successful Complex Systems, which are the core of the AESS Field of Interest (FoI).

AESS Complex Systems covers space, air, ocean and ground environment, including hardware, software, integration and many other aspects of the Engineering job.

The AESS Student Branch Chapter was established in ENIS on March 17, 2010.

The student chapter offer the opportunity for AES Society student members in ENIS to network with colleagues, develop activities for professional development, and share expertise through technical exchange.

If you are interested to join us, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to: [email protected].

Fore more details:

- IEEE AES Society:

- AESS Student activities:

- AESS Tunisia Chapter:


Chapter advisor :



[email protected]

Chair : 

Chafaa Hamrouni

[email protected]